Sensitivity is Strength

3 min readAug 18, 2024
Photo by Magdalena Kula Manchee on Unsplash

Sensitivity is awareness of the soul, the spirit that resides deep within our heart. It is the ability to sense our true self. To sense when we are in pain. To sense when we are at peace. To sense when something just isn’t right. Sensitivity is a skill that guides us towards our true desires, even when we wish we were just like everyone else. When we wish that we were “stronger.”

What we often fail to realize is that sensitivity is strength, being sensitive is being stronger. Society has fooled us to believe that numbing the soul is the right way. That stopping to think, breathe, or rest, that stopping in any way is a form of weakness. That we should “power” through and ignore the signals of the soul.

There is no power in numbing the soul. What for? For material gain? To ride a hamster wheel that leads to nothing? To live a meaningless existence? To end up realizing in the end that it wasn’t what the soul truly wanted?

We feel the way we do because society places value on the wrong things. The things we were told to avoid. Yet, what is valued is the destination. Value is placed on the results. Value is placed on accomplishments. “Success” is having a well earning career, being married, having children, going out with friends, and vacationing around the world.

